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Build your Experience

A Genies Experience needs to be built for testing and publishing the project. This is not the same process as a regular Unity project because it needs to be built specifically for the 7th Period app.

Requirements to Build

Before attempting to build the Experience, make sure it meets these requirements:

  • Latest version of CLI and SDK are installed.
  • No custom C# scripts.
  • No custom HLSL and GLSL shaders, but shader graphs are fine to use.
  • No custom DLLs or other assemblies.
  • Editing assemblies is disallowed.
  • All custom assets (scenes, prefabs, etc.) are within the Assets > Experiences folder.
  • The manifest file (ExperienceInfo.json) has the correct information.
  • The Unity installation has the necessary platform modules.

How to Build

Make sure all requirements are completed before starting the steps to build an Experience.

Experience Settings Asset

Inside the Assets > Experiences folder, there is an asset named Experience Settings. Select this asset and open the Inspector window.

Fill in the following required fields:

  • Main Scene
  • Display Name
  • Description
  • Thumbnail (.png file only)
  • Game Icon (.png file only)

Experience Settings

Build Experience Button

To start building the project, select the top Unity menu Genies > Experiences > Build Experience. This will start the build process and create a build file when completed.

Build Experience

Build File

Once the build process is complete, the Unity project folder will have a build.genies build file and ExperienceBuildOutput folder which contains the unzipped contents of your build file.

Unity Folder