Genies Tools
Learn more about Genies Dev Kit tools from these guides!
📄️ Audio Manager
The Genies Dev Kit offers an audio management tools that can pool configured audio sources and can also play 2D and 3D audio one shots and loops.
📄️ Character Controllers
Character Controllers is a tool that allows developers to quickly add player movement and enable player-following cameras for first person and third person point of views.
📄️ Cinemachine
Cinemachine is a powerful tool for using cameras in Unity. This package is installed by default in the Genies Dev Kit and ready to use.
📄️ Cloud Save
Cloud Save is a tool that allows developers to save and load data so their projects can have persistence. Some examples use cases is saving high scores, save game progress, and allows interaction with other players.
📄️ Dialogue System
The Dialogue System is currently not available in the Dev Kit.
📄️ DoTween
DoTween is a tool for tweening values which is very helpful for animations. This package is installed by default in the Genies Dev Kit and ready to use.
📄️ Layers, Tags, and Sorting Layers
Layers, tags, and sorting layers work like they normally do in Unity, but with a few limitations:
📄️ Lean Touch
Lean Touch is a tool for creating touch based interactions. This package is installed by default in the Genies Dev Kit and is ready to use.
📄️ Text Animator
Text Animator is a tool for adding animation to text and UI dialogs. It works with TextMeshPro, which is also included in the SDK. This package is installed by default in the Genies Dev Kit and ready to use.